Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Shang Dynasty Essay Example for Free

Shang Dynasty Essay The Shang Dynasty ruled a region of China in the Yellow River valley, an area of land that is now commonly referred to as the cradle of Chinese civilization?. The Shang Dynasty ruled their empire from around 1500-1050 B. C. E. and existed during the time of China’s Bronze Age. The Shang is the first Chinese Dynasty to leave behind sufficient evidence of its culture. This evidence has come in the form of written documents, several bronze works, and the Shang oracle bones. As a result of discovering these ancient artifacts and translating them, much is known of the Shang Dynasty and how it was run. Government was ran in the style of a monarchy and there was a class system in place as well. Over the course of the nearly 600 years that the dynasty ruled, there were about 30 kings in total that were served by officials who often held specialized positions of authority?. The Shang created a social pyramid not much unlike many other ancient cultures â€Å"with the king at the top, followed by the military nobility, priests, merchants, and farmers†?. The most distinguishable aspect of the culture between the upper classes and lower classes recognizable today is the burial process. It was not uncommon for the upper class to be buried in extremely extravagant tombs that often contained sacrifices and other gifts. It was also not common for the lesser class to be simply buried in pits that varied in size, while the lowest classes of people were occasionally thrown down wells when dead4. This organized government and society was one of the Shang dynasty’s many contributions to Chinese civilization. The Shang also made a few additional historical contributions to Chinese civilization that include the invention of writing in China, advances in bronze technology, and the use of the chariot and bronze weaponry in war. Most of the writings found from the Shang dynasty today are found in the form of the Shang oracle bones. This is most likely due to the fact that other forms of writing during the time was done on bamboo and silk, which have since decomposed, or on bronze where the writing was usually short5. Bronze in the Shang dynasty was used in very specific ways. This is known because â€Å"it is clear that only those with any degree of power in the kingdom had access to using bronze objects†6. These bronze objects ranged from food and wine vessels to military weapons, such as spears and bows. The Shang mastered the art of molding these bronze objects and weapons that helped them to be very religious and, even more importantly, extremely effective in maintaining its military supremecy7. This military supremacy along with the invention of writing and an organized government allowed the Shang dynasty to rule for many centuries and also make it one of the most historically significant times in Chinese history. A. Legalism Legalism is a philosophy in which power is concentrated with the ruler, there are strict laws, and severe repercussions for breaking the laws. Legalism was created by putting together ideas from Confucianism, Daoism, and Han Fei himself. Consequently, the largest advocate of this philosophy was Han Fei himself. He lived from around 280-233 B. C. E. and is said to have studied under a Confucian master named Xunzi. He also served as a minister during the Qin Dynasty which tried to put legalism in place. The whole idea behind legalism is that humans are born evil and selfish in nature and will only act in their own self-interest. For this reason, legalism demands a very strict agenda. Once set in place, â€Å"law must be enforced without any favoritism or exceptions, there must be no consideration of extenuating circumstances, and the law takes on a life of its own and its integrity takes precedence over any individual (except the ruler†¦)†8. Everyone in the society was required to do exactly as the law says and no less. Han Fei also believed that for such a law to be uniformly effective it had inflexible so that everyone could understand it. To this end, he also believed that that best rewards were the ones that were predictable. Legalism and Han Fei also called for severe and inescapable punishments for minor offenses in the hopes that fear would drive anyone away from committing major offenses that would call for unimaginable consequences9. This idea is extremely contradictory to Confucianism ideals, where rulers and their people should rely on morality. Han Fei didn’t believe people could ever change from their selfish state and for this reason didn’t believe Confucianism could be effective. Legalism may conceivably work, but it is not possible to create a set of laws that cover all possibilities and it holds flaws that over time tend to create separation in society that is detrimental to the state10. A. Indus Valley Civilization. The Indus Valley Civilization, more commonly known today as the Harappan Civilization, was the earliest society is South Asia that began at around 3000 B. C. E. and lasted until 2000 B. C. E.. The Harappan Civilization was based in the Indus River Valley where its two largest cities were located. Nevertheless, by about 2500 B. C. E. a uniform culture had â€Å"spread across nearly 500,000 square miles, including parts of Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Baluchistan, Sind and the Makran coast†11. During the time this civilization was in existence it was extremely stable. The cities were well engineered and contained well designed infrastructures that were host to strong building built from brick and streets that were laid at the correct angles and lined with elaborate systems of covered drains12. The civilization had also grown to domesticate animals such as camels, goats, and water buffalo and cultivate crops such as wheat barley and peas13. In addition to domestication and cultivation, the Harappan people were also avid traders. This is known by the many seals discovered. There have been so many uncovered that it suggests each merchant or mercantile family had its own seal14. The civilization was extremely successful for an extended period of time, but at around 1700 B. C. E. it began to decline. By 1500 B. C. E. the Harappan people and their civilization seemed to disappear. There are many questions as to why this happened and also many theories. Some include ecological changes that forced them to move out of the region. An example could have been flooding along the Indus River. Another theory involves other groups of people, that could involve the Aryans or other barbaric tribes of the region, forcing the Harappan people out. A. Hellenism After Alexander died in 323 B. C. E. his generals divided the land amongst themselves and by around 275 B. C. E it was divided into three powerful Hellenistic monarchies. Hellenistic is defined as relating to Greek culture, language and history. These three monarchies were defined as such because although they lied separately from the former Greek empire, they all still embraced the Greek language and culture while sharing no political uniformity at all. The Hellenism allowed people from any monarchy to travel, speak the native language, and relate to the citizens, creating some uniformity between the three regions. These new states were ruled absolutely by kings, compared to classic Greek states where the people ruled. These kings were extremely interested in amassing large sums of riches and purchased items from all around the world ranging from India, Syria, Spain, and Cornwall15. Once these riches were obtained they were put on display for all to see. The kings made huge donations to zoo and libraries16. An example is the Library of Alexandria. The people of these states were not as satisfied. Not long ago they were involved in the workings of a democratic state and now they were a part of an impersonal empire that sought only wealth17. Many philosophers criticized this saying that money is not what brings happiness. The Hellenistic age did not last long and ended in 36 B. C. E. when the last of the Hellenistic people fell to the Romans. B. 1. The Origin of Death The story of the origin of death created by the Kono people of West Africa tells a story of an old man and a god. The last lines in the story read: In keeping with his promise, Alatangana had no choice but to let his children go and answer Sa, whenever he called. Thus even today, Alatangana’s children still answer to the call of Sa. All because Alatangana didn’t pay a dowry when he marries Sa’s daughter. The story arrives at this point only after a series of events play out between the old man, Sa, and the god, Alatangana. The first event is Alatangana creating a more habitable world for Sa, his wife and his daughter. Alatangana then begins to fall in love with Sa’s daughter and asks Sa for his permission to marry her. Despite being told no by Sa, Alatangana does so anyway. Alatangana and the daughter have fourteen children together, seven of which are male and seven which are female. Every one of them is a different race and every one of them speaks a different language. This is Sa’s doing and he also sends Alatangana’s children to every corner of the world. When his children ask to be taken of out the darkness Alatangana asks Sa for help. He sends birds back to Sa that will sing and bring forth the light of day. However, in return for this gift Sa tells Alatangana that he may now take a child of his whenever he so pleases. Alatangana must agree to this and the deal is done. In this story death is portrayed by Sa, who many now take any of god’s children whenever he sees fit. The last lines of the story demonstrate how the Kono relate such an ancient tale to today by stating that â€Å"†¦Alatangana’s children still answer to the call of Sa†. In addition, the fact that the dowry is once again highly stressed in the final line show the importance of that aspect in their culture at the time. This interpretation of how life and death came to be are historically relevant because it illustrates how earlier civilizations made sense of the world they found themselves in. It also shows us that the Kono believed that death was an equally, if not more significant, part of life compared to gods and other aspects. The story also shows that the Kono believed everyone was a child of god and that death did not choose a certain class to focus death upon, or deny a class death because of something such a wealth or power. The story suggests equality between all people with regards to god and death. B. 3. Purusha The myth of Purusha is one on how the world is created and is from the Rigveda. The Rigveda is the oldest Aryan scripture, being transmitted orally from around 1500-1000 B. C. E. before being written down in Sanskrit at around 800-500 B. C. E. The story of Purusha tell how that world is created but in a very symbolic way. Each part of Purusha’s body is used to make what becomes each of the social classes and gods of old. According to the myth â€Å"The Brahmin was his mouth, of both his arms was the Rajanya made. His thighs became the Vaisya, from his feet the Sudra was produced†. Each body part became a specific class for a specific reason. The Brahmin came from the mouth because they devoted their lives to memorizing all the Veda’s. They were the only ones who knew the Veda’s and therefore were called upon to recite a Veda when someone needed guidance. The Rajanya, or warrior class, was made from the arms because fighting required heavily upon your arms and strength. The Vaisya, or merchant and artisan class, were made from the thighs because they represented hard work and were the pillars on which the civilization ran. The Sudra, or laborer class, was made from the feet because they were the lowest of all the people created and could metaphorically be stepped on by higher classes. In the myth the two higher classes are also described together in the first sentence together, emphasizing the line between the two upper classes and the two lower ones. Along these lines, this myth is to show were these classes lie in society and give the people in the classes a reason to why they are there. This way, the people in power now have a reason to stay in power and give the people in lower classes a reason to stay there. Therefore, the story is used as a validation for the caste system of the time as a whole. It suggests that any other form of social structure would be wrong because it would not be divine. This small exert from the myth of Purusha on how humans were made played an important role on how the caste system was working at the time and gave people a reason not to question it. 3. 6. Analects The Analects is a text that contains hundreds of sayings of Confucius written down by his students after his death and completely out of context. Confucianism was based on the idea that all people had the ability to become good and that society should be run on morality. This is in contrast with other ideals such as Legalism which was based on the idea that everyone was born evil and selfish, could never change, and required to be severely punished for minor offenses. Confucius did not believe that this was an effective way to rule people and his reasoning is shown in the Analects. It is written in Book II, III. 1. â€Å"The master said, ‘If the people be led by laws, and uniformity sought to be given them by punishments, they will try to avoid the punishment, but have no sense of shame’†. By stating this Confucius believes that if a ruler is trying to obtain uniformity to obey a law by punishment people will simply try and avoid the punishment without conforming and will have learned nothing. In the second part of the passage he states â€Å"If they be led by virtue, and uniformity sought to be given them by the rules propriety, they will have the sense of shame, and moreover will become good†¦Ã¢â‚¬ . With this he simply states that upon learning a moral philosophy that people will uniformly want to become good. With this in mind, Confucius also believed that the government should play a small role in the lives of the people and always hold the people in its best interest. The following saying recorded in the Analects go on to state how people should be treated when alive, while being buried, and how they should be sacrificed. All of these things should be dependent on how well you conformed to the acceptable standards of morality that should be set in place. These passages all sum up some of the main points of Confucianism such that morality should play a key role in how one’s life is lived and how ruling should take place. B. 7. The Apology In The Apology written by Plato, Socrates is being put on trial by the city of Athens and is giving his defense. He is on trial for corrupting the youth and being impious, although it is certain he has done neither of these formally accused things. During Socrates defense he states that Athens and other cities need people like him. Someone who would go around and ask questions in order to make people think. Socrates believed that people didn’t truly think about what they were doing and to do so needed to ask more questions. Socrates also believed he was wiser than any other man in that he knew that knew nothing. In fact, his defense against the charge of being impious was that he firmly believed he was carrying out the will of Apollo and was told by the oracle of the god that he was the wisest man. If he believed such things then there is no way he could possibly not be pious. With this that charge was somewhat thrown away. He tried to explain that he was only trying to promote productive thought throughout the city and its people. He felt that he was necessary for the city to be attached to just as a gadfly to a horse. Just as the city was unwilling to think without a being questioned, the horse was too lazy to move without a sting. He ended his defense by stating that instead of killing him they should reward him. With his argument that they needed him more than they knew it and somewhat sarcastic punishment suggestion, he was sentenced to death. This is only an interpretation by Pluto and states that it is beneficial for someone to be asking questions and trying to enlighten others. It also represents the philosophical style which Plato learned from Socrates and advocated during his lifetimes as well. A style that effected Athenian life by making the city more conscious and aware of the actions it partook on a day to day basis when put into practice. C. 1. Paleolithic to Neolithic The Neolithic Revolution marked the beginning of the Stone Age and set up a new form of lifestyle for early humans. The Neolithic Revolution was proceeded by the Paleolithic era. The people that were alive at this time are the oldest know people in existence. These people were hunters and gatherers, relying on the food they could find in the forest or the animals they could kill to eat. They were also nomadic people, never staying in one concrete place but rather moving to wherever the climate and was suitable for their style of life. When the Neolithic Revolution took place people began to work more on their stone working abilities. Thus, the Neolithic revolution coincides with the beginning of the Stone Age. The Neolithic revolution also marked several other large changes in the way people live. People began to farm and produce their own food along with domesticate animals. It is now known that the Neolithic people planted and grew primitive forms of wheat and barley. This crop could have been very useful because it could be stored and used at a later date18. For example, during a drought or dry season one could use their stored crop to help feed their animals. In this way agriculture grew alongside the domestication of animals. This time called for planning that involved picking the most productive grain to plant the next growing season and which of your most powerful animals you should have mate19. This newfound knowledge and ability to stay in one place allowed the human population to grow in concentrated areas. This was a very change from Paleolithic times where groups typically ranged from 20-30 people. During the Neolithic age it was not uncommon for there to be large farming towns and cities with thousands of residents. Almost every of life was changed during the Neolithic revolution and the way of life it brought was effective. Until recently, in the past couple centuries, Neolithic culture had survived in many parts of the world. C. 4. Polis The term polis in Greek means city-state, and its existence during the Archaic age and at the time of Alexander the Great had a large effect on Greek culture. The Archaic age burst from the dark ages in Greece and lasted from around 800-500 B. C. E. and with it brought a revitalized trade, agricultural and urbanization elements. At the height of the Greek colonization there were about 1,500 city-states that occupied a very large Greek speaking cultural zone. These city-states were often run in one of three way that included a democracy, and oligarchy, or a tyranny. The democracy is the one which the power is held in the people’s hands. In this system everyone may have equal power with accordance to the law but it was often recognized that the wealthy still retained more power. The system where the few wealthy and powerful did run the government was called and oligarchy. One in which only one person rules is a tyranny. The city-states at the time had no standing armies, were religiously centered, and also focused on the arts. By the time the Classical age came to be along with the great ruler Alexander the Great Greece was very powerful and rich with culture. This was due impart to the city-states that allowed the Greek culture to spread to all corners of the empire while retaining a stable social and political structure within themselves and therefore the entire empire. Notes 1. Selena Lai and Waka Takahashi Brown, â€Å"The Shang Dynasty, 1600 to 1050 BCE. † FSI Stanford Spice Digests, (2006): Accessed September 29, 2013, http://iis-db. stanford. edu/docs/117/ShangDynasty. pdf. 2. Ibid. , 1. 3. ushistory, 9b. Shang Dynasty — Chinas First Recorded History. Accessed September 29, 2013. http://www. ushistory. org/civ/9b. asp. 4. Ibid. , 1. 5. Lai and Brown, â€Å"The Shang Dynasty, 1600 to 1050 BCE,† 1. 6. Ibid. , 1. 7. Ibid. , 1. 8. Gregory Smits. â€Å"Legalism,† in the web-based book Topics in Premodern Chinese History. (accessed September 29, 2013). http://www. personal. psu. edu/faculty/g/j/gjs4/textbooks/PM-China/ch5. htm. 9. Ibid. , 1. 10. Ibid. , 1. 11. Tripod, The Indus Valley Civilisation. Accessed September 29, 2013. http://sympweb. tripod. com/IndusValleyhistory. htm. 12. Ibid. , 1. 13. Ibid. , 1. 14. Ibid. , 1. 15. The History Channel, Hellenistic Greece. Accessed September 29, 2013. http://www. history. com/topics/hellenistic-greece. 16. Ibid. , 1. 17. Ibid. , 1. 18. Edrene S. McKay, â€Å"Paleolithic Neolithic Societies,† in World Civilizations from Prehistory to 1500. Accessed September 30, 2013. www. Online-History. org. 2 19. Ibid. , 2. Bibliography McKay, Edrene S. , â€Å"Paleolithic Neolithic Societies,† in World Civilizations from Prehistory to 1500. 1. Accessed September 30, 2013. www. Online-History. org. 2 Lai, Selea and Waka Takahashi Brown, â€Å"The Shang Dynasty, 1600 to 1050 BCE. † FSI Stanford Spice Digests, (2006): 1. Accessed September 29, 2013. http://iis-db. stanford. edu/docs/117/ShangDynasty. pdf Smits, Gregory. â€Å"Legalism,† in the web-based book Topics in Premodern Chinese History. 1. Accessed September 29, 2013. http://www. personal. psu. edu/faculty/g/j/gjs4/textbooks/PM-China/ch5. htm). The History Channel, Hellenistic Greece. Accessed September 29, 2013. http://www. history. com/topics/hellenistic-greece Tripod, The Indus Valley Civilisation. Accessed September 29, 2013. http://sympweb. tripod. com/IndusValleyhistory. htm. ushistory, 9b. Shang Dynasty — Chinas First Recorded History. Accessed September 29, 2013. http://www. ushistory. org/civ/9b. asp.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Comparing Virtue and Vice in Utopia, The Bible, and Othello Essay

Comparing Virtue and Vice in Utopia, The Bible, and Othello The definition of virtue varies between cultures and societies. Utopian ideas of virtue do not necessarily agree with Biblical or Elizabethan England views, however, More’s "Utopia," the Biblical accounts in Genesis of Joseph and Jacob, and Shakespeare’s "Othello" all present the concept of virtue prevailing over vice. Although at times vice may appear to triumph over virtue, ultimately poetry presents virtue as superior based on the differing definitions of virtue. The punishment of vice and advocacy of virtue is a popular theme of literature and the reason why Sir Philip Sidney correctly asserts that poetry encourages virtue and condemns vice as repulsive. More’s "Utopia" advocates the pursuit of virtue, however, virtue is defined as a type of hedonism. Utopians follow a unique definition of virtue, which advocates a life of pleasure and the pursuit of happiness. Virtue is considered living the way people are designed to live, or according to nature. Utopians believe this translates as living a life based on achieving pleasure. The Utopian definition of pleasure may include helping other people, humanitarian views which are still advocated in the 21st century, but definitely does not include working hard for painful "virtue" which they consider not true virtue at all if you must deprive yourself and suffer misery. A virtuous life is encouraged by the punishment of crime, or vice. Utopians reward virtue, and punish those who attempt crime. Strict slavery is the punishment for violating wedding vows, and the other punishments are determined based on the extent of the crime. More’s fictional world of Utopia contrasts virtue and vice in society and upholds virtue as... ...e and despised character who endeavors to escape the misery of his life through suicide. The virtuous character of Cassio, shows the ultimate success and triumph of virtue over vice as he attains worldly success and defeats Iago, who is full of vice. These complex literary characters present morality as desirable and vices as deplorable. The narratives of Genesis, "Utopia," and Othello" all exemplify the achievements and victories of virtuous characters or traits. The failures and miseries inherently connected with vices are also presented. These literary works corroborate Sir Philip’s claim that poetry presents virtue in a light so "that one must needs be enamored of her." It can be assumed, therefore, that the study of literary works such as these can only improve morals and virtues, and for the good of American society, all students should major in Literature.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Tesco India

Introduction Tesco plc is a multinational grocery store originated from British. Tesco general merchandise retailer headquartered located in United Kingdom. It’s the third-largest retailer in the world as we measured according by revenues its stand after Wal-Mart and Carrefour and is the second-largest if we calculated profits then, its stand after Wal-Mart. Tesco deals in approximately 14 countries across Asia, Europe and North America and is the grocery market leader in the UK and capture the 30% market share, Malaysia, the Republic of Ireland and Thailand.The reason Tesco increase their growth rapidly is increasingly diversified geographically and into areas such as the retailing of books, clothing, electronics, furniture, petrol and software; financial services; telecoms and internet services; DVD rental; and music downloads. Tesco’s corporate strategy In behind every successful industry they have their own strategy. That strategy will be their core of the business and industry. Tesco also has its own strategy. Tesco is using its own brand product everywhere and selling with cheap rate. Also read: How Does Tesco Communicate With Their CustomersAnother important part of their strategy is the use and innovation of new technologies. They are the first to introduce self billing and use camera to reduce theft. Reason’s Tesco choose India, Marketing Opportunities of Tesco in India Tesco has had a limited presence in India with a service centre in Bangalore. As part of their internationalization Tesco is planning to implement their full presence in India. Tesco is planning for opening a wholesale cash-and-carry business in the biggest commercial city of India, Mumbai.Tesco will start its operation by joining with the Tata, one of the giant business groups in India. Factors Tesco has chosen India to start their new business Rising Income In India people with high income have a tendency to use new taste and prefer brand new items. So here Tesco have a wide opportunity because Tesco sell their own product with their label and is not available elsewhere in India. So as a new comer with branded products Tesco will have a good opening in market. So rising income is an important factor of their opportunities. Liberalization of Indian EconomyThis is also an important opportunity of Tesco in India. They can invest large amount to attract the consumer mind by giving a variety of goods. Foreign direct investment is also a great factor that helps Tesco. Indian government is supporting FDI because it provides huge profit and development for the country. So Tesco can utilize this chance and can get a good opportunity in India (Accessed from report of Corporate Catalyst India). High population growth and suitable places Another opportunity which is in front of Tesco is the large population in India and the metro cities.There are a lot supermarkets and retail outlets in India and are making huge profits. But the customer satisfaction guaranteed by them is low. Here Tesco have a good opportunity when they are using a core strategy to attract customers into the ir outlets. Cheap labor with high qualified personal India is a country with high population. So there is no much strain for Tesco to rent a labor. They will get skilled and educated labor because India has a wide labor pool range with cheap wages. Skilled workers are needed for retail industries.So Tesco can choose the skilled workers through agency. This is also an opportunity for Tesco for operating in India. All in One This is the main opportunity of Tesco in India. By the term ‘All in One’ it means that people can shop everything they want from Tesco itself. There is no need for them to go to different shops for purchasing. People can save time by purchasing in Tesco. If Tesco can exploit this opportunity very well they will be the market leaders in India. (Anjana (2010); ‘Business India Retail Market Overview’) Developed technology and InfrastructureIndia is a country with high technology and infrastructure. So Tesco can utilize easily all the technol ogies and infrastructure they require when they start their production in India. Technology is also the key variable that which has direct influence in the supply chain, operation and process of grocery and food retailers. Newer technologies like selecting products through mobiles can also attract customers as it can save their time. (Ben; ‘PEST analysis of Tesco in UK’) Difficulties and hurdles Tesco has faced when starting its business in IndiaThe main problem TESCO has faced is the criticism by the Indian Population. If we consider most of the population in India is middle class and most are in the business of retailing in small levels so they have the fear that when such a multinational start its operation in India then there business will destroyed so they were against of it by this behavior of People the political opposition parties take this issue in headlines strikes are called by this all the planning of TESCO is changed according to the environment change so T esco have to reschedule its planning.The other problem is that religious issue is also come into existence which is animal welfare. The other main reason is the Foreign Direct Investment Policy regarding Retailing in India which is: * FDI up to 100% cash and carry wholesale * FDI is not permitted in Multi Brand retailing in India The other factors which effect are the * Unstable environment As Indian financial position or economy not remains the same all the time, other than that there is Political instability, by which rules and regulation change rapidly. * A lot of political pressuresThis creates in this sense that in India there are many casts and religion one party is in favor of one cast and vice versa. The party which is ruling has pressure on such stores and multinational companies to follow their customs and deals with there peoples. * Culture diversity * Difficulty to understand the Indian market * High risk of failure * Indirect access to market figures. Etc Hurdles in liv e streaming NO TESCO’S HERE! Shops and schools were forced to close during demonstrations against a government decision to open India's retail market to foreign companies such as Tesco and Wal-Mart.The partly successful national strike saw protesters burn effigies of Prime Minister Manmohan Sing and holding signs reading ‘Go Back Wal-Mart’ whilst disrupting train services, blocking the tracks. A key partner in India's ruling coalition has withdrawn support from the government and said its ministers would resign in protest over a plan to allow foreign retailers such as Tesco into the country. â€Å"Our ministers will go to Delhi to resign. We will not stay in UPA II,† the head of the regional Trinamool Congress party, Mamata Banerjee, told reporters, referring to the ruling coalition led by the Indian National Congress party.The withdrawal of Trinamool, which is staunchly opposed to a move to allow foreign supermarkets into the retail sector, leaves the gov ernment weakened and dependent on outside support to pass legislation, AFP reported. The reforms unveiled by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last week include allowing in foreign retail giants such as Walmart and Tesco, as well foreign airlines, and included a 12% hike in the price of subsidised diesel. Opposition Role and Benefit The opposition parties protested against these measures with a nationwide strike.More damaging for the government is the decision of the Trinamool Congress, headed by the chief minister of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee to pull out of the government, with its ministers to resign. The popular anger against the rise in diesel prices is easy to understand – Indian prices of this essential fuel are already among the highest in the world. This increase will affect all other prices, raising farmers' costs and causing already high food prices to soar.If the government is really concerned with controlling inflation, this is a foolish and unjust measure, bound t o cause further inflation without delivering much in public savings. Against to it Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has said the reforms would â€Å"help strengthen our growth process and generate employment in these difficult times†. While opposition neither criticizes nor will food inflation is brought down by this measure – certainly not immediately, or even in the medium term.Distribution margins in India are quite low precisely because the various levels are so highly competitive – and if they are to be improved, that is best done through public investment in cold storage and efficient transport, as well as by encouraging co-operatives. The employment impact is likely to be very negative. The retail trade in India employs about 40 million – mostly very small-scale traders who are largely self-employed, who would not be able to compete with large organized corporations.It has been estimated that one Wal-Mart can displace up to 1,400 small stores, costing around 5,000 jobs. Since Indian growth has been mostly jobless already, this is obviously a huge concern. So the hue and  cry about opening up retail trade in India is hardly surprising. What is more surprising is the government's insistence on pushing through this relatively minor â€Å"reform† barely a month after it had promised parliament it would do so only by consensus. The entire episode speaks of a tired regime that has run out of ideas.The party, which has been extremely critical of the reform package, postponed a meeting it had called for Thursday evening to determine its next step. Top ministers downplayed any talk of a teetering government. ‘We have enough friends today, we had enough friends yesterday †¦ So I don't see any reason why you should doubt our stability,† Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram told reporters. In Uttar Pradesh and Bihar, protesters blocked railroad tracks. Some held up placards reading ‘Go back Tesco' a reference to the U. S. retail giant expected to enter the Indian market under the new regulations.By use all of these issues the opposition parties want to take out the advantage and by demolish this government they want to create out their own government. Conclusion Although Tesco is doing well in all of the territories, But in India Tesco can be failed because India is too much emotionally involved with its cultural and economical perspective. Traders and retailers of India will not easily accept it which could become and unfavorable loss for Tesco. People are not adopt to change there but once Tesco start its operation fully as Tesco is signing contract with Tata slowly this impact will change the environment.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Schizophrenia Is A Disabling Brain Disorder - 858 Words

Schizophrenia is a disabling brain disorder that has affected many people throughout history. While having this disorder there is many things that goes through a person’s mind. Many people with Schizophrenia may hear voices that other people don’t hear. Also with this disease they believe other people are reading their minds, controlling their thoughts, or plotting to harm them. With those symptoms this can cause people to become ill and make them withdrawn or extremely agitated. Some other effects of Schizophrenia would be with speech. Many times when people talk they it may not make any sense. People who have Schizophrenia may seem to come off as perfectly fine until they begin to take about who they really think they are really thinking. Having Schizophrenia affects your everyday life and also jobs. Many people with Schizophrenia have to quit their job because of the disorder. Having the disease affects them from their work. Family is also affected by a family membe r having Schizophrenia because they have to give them special attention. Having the disorder doesn’t mean they won’t have a good life many do have a good life in their communities. Schizophrenia falls into three broad categories positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and cognitive symptoms. Positive symptoms are psychotic behaviors not seen in healthy people. People who have these symptoms often lose touch with reality and these symptoms can be and ongoing thing. Hallucinations are things a person sees, hears,Show MoreRelatedA Beautiful Mind Is A Movie Based On The Life Of Mathematician1310 Words   |  6 Pagesmovie based on the life of Mathematician Dr. John Nash. Through Dr. Nash, I will explore the causes, effects, and treatment of paranoid schizophrenia. To begin to understand this disorder of paranoid Schizophrenia we need to know how this debilitating mental disorder works. Schizophrenia is a long-lasting, severe and disabling mental disorder. Normally, schizoph renia victims experience non-existent external voices. At times people suffering from this condition may find themselves to be extremely jumpyRead MoreThe Major Types and Possible Causes of Schizophrenia1082 Words   |  4 PagesSchizophrenia is a severe, debilitating disabling disease. There are more than two million Americans who suffer with schizophrenia in any given year. Some of the symptoms of schizophrenia are hallucinations, delusions, apathy, lack of emotion, disorganized thoughts, difficulty concentrating or following instructions and memory problems. 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The word schizophrenia comes from th One percent of America’s population is diagnosed with Schizophrenia each year. This mental disorder is more common in late teenagers and young adults ranging from the ages of 20 to 30. It is proven that this illness occurs in more young men than women. People who suffer from schizophrenia usually cannot have normal lives due to the disabling symptoms.Read MoreEssay Biological, Social and Psychological Causes of Schizophrenia558 Words   |  3 PagesBiological, Social and Psychological Causes of Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is a very serious, long-term disorder that affects about 1% of the world’s population. It affects people anywhere from twenty years old, to forty-five years old. It is known to be one of the most disabling diseases in this age group. Schizophrenia can break down a person’s behaviors, emotions, and thoughts. People who suffer from schizophrenia usually show very inappropriate displays of their actions and feelings. 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Education about brain disorders should decrease the misunderstanding of the disorders, and increase the supportRead MoreSymptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia1049 Words   |  5 Pages The Effects of Schizophrenia Madison M. Sulak Dr. Linstrum PSYCH 2301 East Texas Baptist University Fall 2015 Pg. 1 A brain disorder can be triggered by multiple different things such as a stroke, abnormal growths, any type of viral infection, or cancer. There are countless types of brain disorders that people are diagnosed with daily. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, â€Å"Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling brain disorder that has affected peopleRead MoreSchizophrenia And Its Effects On Children1256 Words   |  6 PagesOver the years, a disorder known as Schizophrenia has affected many people across the globe. Before advances in the 20th century mental health movement occurred, many thought that the symptoms conveyed by an individual with the disorder were demonically possessed (Walker and Tessner 2008). Today, more and more people are being properly educated about this disorder and understand its effects on individuals, however, there are misguided and false perceptions about it, similar to those prior to theRead More Schizophrenia Essay1617 Words   |  7 PagesSchizophrenia is a psychotic disorder that causes severe mental disturbances which disrupt ones thoughts, speech, and behavior. According to Paul Thompson, Associate Professor of Neurology, one percent of the world’s population suffers from this disorder. There is no one specific cause of schizophrenia, because it is caused by a combination of problems during development. It is a disorder which not only affects the patient, but their family and society as well. Schizophrenia can be a debilitating